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Showing posts from April, 2022

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How To Become An "A" Student in 2022

Whether you were struggling last year or not, becoming an "A" student or maintaining an "A" average is a goal that every student should have. Grades are very important, but even more, so is understanding the concepts. Here are some ways to become an "A" student this school year. Organizational Skills  Being organized is an essential skill to have if you want to be an "A" student. This means you have to become very familiar with to-do lists and planners. Have a folder with sections for each subjec t that you do so that you can easily and effectively file handouts, worksheets, notes and test papers.  Studying : As it relates to studying, create a list with the topics or points that you wish to study based on the time that you have to study. However, be realistic with what you can achieve in each study session. There are also various study techniques that you can make use of!  Homework : When it comes to homework, be sure to create a list of your h

Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies

It is important to understand that preparation is only the beginning. You must learn how to approach and analyze the structure of multiple choice questions in order to answer the questions. Of course, you will have to make use of the material covered during classes, however, it is less about memorization and more about applying the knowledge to assess and answer the questions. While many students find this type of testing easy, never underestimate what the examiners may throw at you. Here are the top 10 strategies that you should apply when doing multiple choice exams. Be Prepared: It goes without saying that if you want a good outcome, you have to put in the necessary work to achieve that outcome. Ensure that you have covered enough material from the different sections of the syllabus and practice as many past-paper questions as you can.  Browse Through the Paper : Take a brief look through the entire paper and take note of the questions that seem easier and the ones that don’t. Make

Solar System Review Questions

  How many of these questions can you answer? Type your answers in the comments below Define the following terms: Solar System Planets Meteoroid  Orbit Galaxy Gravity Satellites Lightyears Asteroid Elliptical Constellation Stars Atmosphere  List the planets in order of distance from the sun. List the distance of each planet from the sun. Differentiate between asteroid and meteoroid. List at least 6 characteristics of each planet. Create a flashcard for each planet. Include the following on each card: Distance from the sun Diameter How long it takes to orbit the sun Atmospheric composition Temperature How often it spins Number of moons What it is named after Number of rings (where applicable)

Solar System

  The Solar System The Solar System is otherwise called the Planetary System and contains the Sun, its eight planets and other heavenly bodies. The planets revolve around the Sun in an elliptical (oval) orbit (path). The planets in order of distance from the Sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The Sun is a star, and the light of the Sun falls on each planet, which is in turn reflected by them. This is the only light that the planet reflects. All of the energy of the Solar System is derived from the Sun whose surface is about 6000 o C.  Some of the planets, for example Earth, Jupiter and Saturn have satellites. A satellite is a small heavenly body that revolves around a large body. The Moon is the satellite that revolves around the Earth and it takes 27 to 28 days to do so. The Earth is 150 million kilometers away from the Sun. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to get here. The Earth is a minor planet of the Solar System, and the Solar System is a minute

Top 5 Ways to Tackle Homework!

Let’s be honest, homework can be brutal! Especially when all your teachers give you homework at the same time. Nonetheless, homework presents students with the opportunity to practice material introduced in class and to reinforce key concepts with targeted assignments. But Here are the top 5 ways in which you can effectively tackle your homework with plenty of time to relax! 1. Procrastination is not Your Friend! Sometimes, we trick ourselves into believing that we have more time than we actually do, and as a result, we begin to postpone the set of activities we have to do. Firstly, homework doesn’t have to be done at home! You can begin your assignments throughout the day whenever you have some free time and even if you don’t complete them, you will have less things to do when you get home. Secondly, if you do not complete all your assignments, budget the rest of your time wisely, and create a plan on how you will be executing each task in a designated time slot.  If you struggle with

Top 10 Time Management Tips

Have you ever gone through half your day before you realize you haven’t done anything productive? There are only 24 hours in a day, but time waits on no man, and time cannot be changed. We can, however, change the way we spend our time to maximize productivity. Good time management focuses on results instead of activities because being busy is not the same as being productive . Here are some tips on how to properly manage yourself so you can manage your time. 1. How Do You Waste Time? In order to better manage your time, it is imperative to first know how you spend that time. Tracking daily activities may help to illustrate a distinct picture of how much of your time is really spent on productive activities and how much of your time is spent wastefully. Determine the areas where you spend time wastefully, and use the upcoming tips in this blog to assist in rectifying this issue. These areas include but are not limited to internet surfing, responding to emails, social media browsing, te

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