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Showing posts from March, 2022

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How To Become An "A" Student in 2022

Whether you were struggling last year or not, becoming an "A" student or maintaining an "A" average is a goal that every student should have. Grades are very important, but even more, so is understanding the concepts. Here are some ways to become an "A" student this school year. Organizational Skills  Being organized is an essential skill to have if you want to be an "A" student. This means you have to become very familiar with to-do lists and planners. Have a folder with sections for each subjec t that you do so that you can easily and effectively file handouts, worksheets, notes and test papers.  Studying : As it relates to studying, create a list with the topics or points that you wish to study based on the time that you have to study. However, be realistic with what you can achieve in each study session. There are also various study techniques that you can make use of!  Homework : When it comes to homework, be sure to create a list of your h

Last Minute Exam Preparation Tips

Studying for exams can be brutal, especially when you only have a week or a few days before the exam period begins. If you find yourself preparing for your exams at the last minute, there is no need to panic , Natken has your back! Here are 8 simple steps that can assist you in your last-minute study sessions. Step #1: Get Organized. Although it is natural to feel stressed and overwhelmed, these feelings can be reduced by making a simple study schedule. It only takes a few minutes to formulate a clear and concise plan to guide you in your studies. Grab your calendar and assign each exam to their associated date. Based on the days that you have an exam, determine the time you have available to study for each subject. Select small portions of time and assign a major topic and its sub-topics to cover in the allotted time. Be realistic with what you can achieve in each session! Step #2: How do you Learn? Knowing your learning style is essential in maximizing your academic potential. Befor

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